Saturday, May 1, 2010

Recap of April. I must blog more often.

An interesting thing I find in blogging every month, is so many interesting things happen, then get forgotton, while you may remember each individual event.

April included staying the night at sarah's house before the holidays, visiting the doctor about my knee, a holiday period of two and some more weeks.

The main event of the holidays, was the Easter show. This was attended by myself and Sarah. Upon picking her up from Richmond, we Caught a train and arrived. First off, we watched pigs jumping in water, then walked around senselessly for about an hour, getting in everyones way. Then we went on the first ride, that large rotating series of cages, the ferris wheel. This became an attempted murder on my hands, when sarah decided it was too high. Then we went and walked around some more, bought some sugar for sarah, went and got showbags, got more sugar, looked at free stuff, got more sugar, went and sat down, went and sat down somewhere else, went and got sugar, went and sat down in the main arena, went and sat on the grass of the main arena. Then I slept for an hour or two, during all the horse displays. Then it started to rain, so we went and took a ride in the second ferris wheel, while sarah made me protect her band poster. This was different to the first ferris wheel, in that sarah wasn't as scared, and it was raining. Then we went back to the main arena and stood near a food outlet, from where we bought dinner, then sat, and, I LOST THE LOWEST BUTTON FROM MY TRENCH COAT!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Then we had some fireworks, then walked and caught the train back.
An Awesome day

Thats pretty much april.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Post? Wow. Almost 3 months late.

As a recap up until this point.

January.. Included two main perfunctions. First of all, constant visits/days-going-somewhere-with sarah. Second of all, a week spent at the horrible coastal residence at Killcare. Events included actually catching a fish, and a combined 6 to 7 hours train travel one day to visit sarah :)

January 2 in specific, included going to see a movie (Old Dogs, I think) without sarah, because I was merely passing time while her and jenny were watching the princess and the frog? I think it was called that. Then this was followed by the returning to Richmond and the purchasing of a $30 cake for sarah. An over all good day. This included the giving of a rather large sum of presents I've already forgotten. But I think it included several c.d.'s

January 11, (12 and 13 as well) was sarah's and mine first year anniversary. This included the giving of three items. Roses, $40 chocolates, and a $300 ring. Was an exceptional day.. And I got two blocks of turkish delight chocolate.

January the 3x? First day back as school. I claimed the souls of around 20 yr7's

February, as much as I can remember had a very important date within it's limits. That of Valentines day. Which as I remember, I wasn't able to spend much, due to having previously exhausted all my funds. I recieved however, a box of roses brand chocolates and a teddy bear. The teddy bear has subsequently been named Sarah bear, in honour of the gifter. I can't remember much else aside from also getting into the 2-unit accounting course with Sarah at blacktown tafe :) Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.

OTHER SUBJECTS??!?! Physics, with mills. Chemistry, with Roach. Math, with Clarky-boy, And sarah.. Engineering with Mr. VanZanTan (spelling of an odd name?)'s nose. English with Payne. Ah, what a pain. Religion with Leclerc, who according to Stone we should "Use her. As much as you want to. She's a great resource. Use her well." and Photography with Joyce.

MARCH COMETH! Along with it, assessments. So far, I've done an english speech on the topic of Amy Lowell's poem "Summer" in the context of her lesbian eroticism, outreach to humanity, and as a description of Nature. I shall post it after this for anyone who wishes to read it. Secondly an engineering assessment which I did on the morning it was due, about the evolution from an abacus to the modern computer. And today I did perform the vasities of a physics exam. Which I was rather suprised with myself for doing what I thougth was quite well.

Throughout this entire time, there have been frequent trips over to the sarah's place of residence. However in a break of tradition, last weekend, two days ago, Sarah came over my house. This occasion included myself being dropped off at penrith station, catching trains to richmond and arriving at Sarah's house at the same time as her mother, at which time we commenced walking to Richmond Station, and caught a train. With out train nets, in the train fields. At Blacktown, we purchased a McDonald and continued our journey, arriving in penrith then getting $30 from father, followed by walking througha street carnival along High-Street. Along the way I purchased an Angel's Hair, Tigers Eye and Bloodstone. Then arriving at my own house, we lay on my bed for somewhat 2 or 3 hours, followed by watching' 28 days later, with some scenes repelling sarah.. Then getting driven to richmond sarah and myself were dropped at the Sarah House, where upon I stayed until 8:50'ish, then walked to the station and caught the train to Windsor. Upon arrival I walked to the hospital grounds and arrived in a car, then driven home.
The cleaning process of my room consumed somewhat 4 or 5 hours previous to sarah coming over.


Friday, January 1, 2010

There is a New year, or so it would seem.

As a recap over the past section of time since my most previous post of bloggery..

Since the end of the school educational teaching attempt times, I have left the house for relatively little amount of time. Twice to see a movie with Sarah (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in Cinema 9 at Penrith Hoyts, Tusday December 22, 2009 9:30-11:15 a.m. [along which jenny came as well] and Where the Wild things are, In cimeme 7, Penrith Hoyts, Saturday 26th of December, 2009, 10:00-11:56 a.m.). For the day of "WTWTA" I was not able to get a lift to penrith so once again I braved the path of Mulgoa Road, 5km of which it was storming for. The total walk took 2 and a half hours, from 3 until 5:30 a.m. During the actual movie, I had a popcorn box thrown at my face by a miniture child person, who returned three times. Once to run off crying, a second time to hug my leg, and third to explore the curtains at the side of the cinema.

Christmas Day? I recieved a number of things. From my Aunty of Jan I obtained a $36 gift voucher card for Hoyts, From the parental unit I obtained a cd of christmas carols, a grey 160Gb IPod Classic, a $50 card for JB Hi-Fi (With which I purchased a number of c.d.'s, one of which was "The Wacken Carnage"), $30 credit for telstra and 60 Days Card for World of Warcraft. Yes. I do play WoW.. if you really must know.. I have a 48 Night-Elf Balance Druid.
Christmas day consisted of church for an hour in the morning, followed by tripping to the cousins place of residence.. and gaining another $30 for JB, and a beachtowel, which was further followed by a trip to the nans and grans house (known as Nan and G'Pa) and obtaining $1000.

ZOO!? Yes. The Zoo. Nathan and Sarah did go to a Zoo. Taronga Zoo. That one in Sydney, with animals.. And we spent 5 hours walking all around the zoo without actually knowing where we were going. Although, Sarah still needs to kill me for the two trips I made her take with me in the Gondola. We saw Zebra, giraffes, hippos, birds, fish.. Then backing onto the Richmond Local, I vos Invited upon the housing system, whence I cooked dinner in Sarah's house..

And today, is Sarah's (and my fathers..) birthday.. so I am going into penrith today, to spend time with Sarah :)

Until Next Mr. Blogley.