Sunday, December 13, 2009

End of Year Report, Nathan Style

Well, another school year comes to a close. And it is at times like this that we sit down in our caves and think to ourselves about all the memorable, hilarititious moments of the past year. For myself, I think I shall start with a list of all days I have been marked absent. All of them are suffixed with 2009, so I don't need to repeat it over again. They are in the format of dd/mm. Here is thine list.

18/03, 26/03, 06/04, 09/04, 04/05, 05/05, 08/05, 21/05, 05/06, 11/06, 12/06, 22/06, 24/06, None in july.., 20/08, 28/08, 31/08, 01/09, 04/09, 15/09, 17/09, 30/09, 02/10, 27/10 and 02/11, giving a total of 24 unexplained abscence.. Also, it should be noted that I did receive a 100% Attendance Merit Certificate on the 26/02. Although on the end of year report, only 18 days are mentioned.

Some Dates to mention, not in chronological order..

Information Evening for prospective Students and their parents - 8th September.
P&C Working Bee - 8th August (Which was cancelled due to lack of support..)
P&C Pie Drive - 2nd July
Calvin Tan of Yr8/09 was clerical - 10th September
Naidoc ceremony, on which I got an official thanks from De Paoli for operating a computer for 30 seconds - 10th of July
Walkathon - On which I was apparently absent if you see above - 28th of August.

Another useless memory is the SRC Yr10 ballot papper having 10 candidates, with 11 boxes to number..

Now for the marks throughout the year. I shall list the subject, then the half yearly mark, then the yearly mark, then the SC mark, just to compare them.

English - 51% - 48% - 83% (Band 5)
Maths - 59% - 63% - 94% (Band 6)
Science - 88% - 78% - 93% (Band 6)
PE - 46% - 41% - (Completed)
Geography (Only yearly and SC) - 56% - 87% (Band 5)
History (Only yearly and SC) - 52% - 77% (Band 4)
X-History - 52% - 38%
Y-IST - 67% - 69%
Z-Wood Technology - 63% - 68%
Computing (SC mark only) - 92% (Highgly Competent)

I also attained a Distinction Level of Merit, and had Stream Watch listed as an extra curricular activity. It should be noted however that the main reason my school results are so low is I was too lazy to actually do any homework..

Now for a rundown of things I can think of from the year off the top of my head. Killing Tyler (Tayler I think is it's actual name..) many times, especially knocking him out for a few seconds, spray the Tas Quad with tomato, barbeque and mustard sauce, stealing sausages, cake and poppers from every year's barbeque. Covering a group of year 9 girls in milk, from a carton I thought was empty.. almost getting run over by Myers. Climbing the trees at the swimming carnival, wearing my pyjamas to the swimming carnival, covering people in melted chocolate at the swimming carnival, swimming in my pyjamas at the swimming carnival, making an idiot of myself in sydney, missing about 50 detentions with Joyce, almost running a trolley into Bryce in Big W, meeting Wilcox with his parents at the easter show. Taking the most modes of transport to the formal, and wearing something normal as well. Running along high street in first term screaming "ZOOM" as I went. Turning up to school at 6:00 in the morning. Trying to catch the Geo excursion busses during the other half of the grade's visit. Instructing the station bus driver to go on a ridiculously long route to the station one afternoon. Trying to make a compilation of cleaning products in aldi.

Thats all I can think of.. So.. goodnight.