Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Death D:

It has come to my attention that I forgot I had a blog. Thus it died. And I can't be bothered to try starting it again. Farewell Bloggerism. I may in some time try to start a different blog.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Recap of April. I must blog more often.

An interesting thing I find in blogging every month, is so many interesting things happen, then get forgotton, while you may remember each individual event.

April included staying the night at sarah's house before the holidays, visiting the doctor about my knee, a holiday period of two and some more weeks.

The main event of the holidays, was the Easter show. This was attended by myself and Sarah. Upon picking her up from Richmond, we Caught a train and arrived. First off, we watched pigs jumping in water, then walked around senselessly for about an hour, getting in everyones way. Then we went on the first ride, that large rotating series of cages, the ferris wheel. This became an attempted murder on my hands, when sarah decided it was too high. Then we went and walked around some more, bought some sugar for sarah, went and got showbags, got more sugar, looked at free stuff, got more sugar, went and sat down, went and sat down somewhere else, went and got sugar, went and sat down in the main arena, went and sat on the grass of the main arena. Then I slept for an hour or two, during all the horse displays. Then it started to rain, so we went and took a ride in the second ferris wheel, while sarah made me protect her band poster. This was different to the first ferris wheel, in that sarah wasn't as scared, and it was raining. Then we went back to the main arena and stood near a food outlet, from where we bought dinner, then sat, and, I LOST THE LOWEST BUTTON FROM MY TRENCH COAT!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Then we had some fireworks, then walked and caught the train back.
An Awesome day

Thats pretty much april.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Post? Wow. Almost 3 months late.

As a recap up until this point.

January.. Included two main perfunctions. First of all, constant visits/days-going-somewhere-with sarah. Second of all, a week spent at the horrible coastal residence at Killcare. Events included actually catching a fish, and a combined 6 to 7 hours train travel one day to visit sarah :)

January 2 in specific, included going to see a movie (Old Dogs, I think) without sarah, because I was merely passing time while her and jenny were watching the princess and the frog? I think it was called that. Then this was followed by the returning to Richmond and the purchasing of a $30 cake for sarah. An over all good day. This included the giving of a rather large sum of presents I've already forgotten. But I think it included several c.d.'s

January 11, (12 and 13 as well) was sarah's and mine first year anniversary. This included the giving of three items. Roses, $40 chocolates, and a $300 ring. Was an exceptional day.. And I got two blocks of turkish delight chocolate.

January the 3x? First day back as school. I claimed the souls of around 20 yr7's

February, as much as I can remember had a very important date within it's limits. That of Valentines day. Which as I remember, I wasn't able to spend much, due to having previously exhausted all my funds. I recieved however, a box of roses brand chocolates and a teddy bear. The teddy bear has subsequently been named Sarah bear, in honour of the gifter. I can't remember much else aside from also getting into the 2-unit accounting course with Sarah at blacktown tafe :) Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.

OTHER SUBJECTS??!?! Physics, with mills. Chemistry, with Roach. Math, with Clarky-boy, And sarah.. Engineering with Mr. VanZanTan (spelling of an odd name?)'s nose. English with Payne. Ah, what a pain. Religion with Leclerc, who according to Stone we should "Use her. As much as you want to. She's a great resource. Use her well." and Photography with Joyce.

MARCH COMETH! Along with it, assessments. So far, I've done an english speech on the topic of Amy Lowell's poem "Summer" in the context of her lesbian eroticism, outreach to humanity, and as a description of Nature. I shall post it after this for anyone who wishes to read it. Secondly an engineering assessment which I did on the morning it was due, about the evolution from an abacus to the modern computer. And today I did perform the vasities of a physics exam. Which I was rather suprised with myself for doing what I thougth was quite well.

Throughout this entire time, there have been frequent trips over to the sarah's place of residence. However in a break of tradition, last weekend, two days ago, Sarah came over my house. This occasion included myself being dropped off at penrith station, catching trains to richmond and arriving at Sarah's house at the same time as her mother, at which time we commenced walking to Richmond Station, and caught a train. With out train nets, in the train fields. At Blacktown, we purchased a McDonald and continued our journey, arriving in penrith then getting $30 from father, followed by walking througha street carnival along High-Street. Along the way I purchased an Angel's Hair, Tigers Eye and Bloodstone. Then arriving at my own house, we lay on my bed for somewhat 2 or 3 hours, followed by watching' 28 days later, with some scenes repelling sarah.. Then getting driven to richmond sarah and myself were dropped at the Sarah House, where upon I stayed until 8:50'ish, then walked to the station and caught the train to Windsor. Upon arrival I walked to the hospital grounds and arrived in a car, then driven home.
The cleaning process of my room consumed somewhat 4 or 5 hours previous to sarah coming over.


Friday, January 1, 2010

There is a New year, or so it would seem.

As a recap over the past section of time since my most previous post of bloggery..

Since the end of the school educational teaching attempt times, I have left the house for relatively little amount of time. Twice to see a movie with Sarah (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in Cinema 9 at Penrith Hoyts, Tusday December 22, 2009 9:30-11:15 a.m. [along which jenny came as well] and Where the Wild things are, In cimeme 7, Penrith Hoyts, Saturday 26th of December, 2009, 10:00-11:56 a.m.). For the day of "WTWTA" I was not able to get a lift to penrith so once again I braved the path of Mulgoa Road, 5km of which it was storming for. The total walk took 2 and a half hours, from 3 until 5:30 a.m. During the actual movie, I had a popcorn box thrown at my face by a miniture child person, who returned three times. Once to run off crying, a second time to hug my leg, and third to explore the curtains at the side of the cinema.

Christmas Day? I recieved a number of things. From my Aunty of Jan I obtained a $36 gift voucher card for Hoyts, From the parental unit I obtained a cd of christmas carols, a grey 160Gb IPod Classic, a $50 card for JB Hi-Fi (With which I purchased a number of c.d.'s, one of which was "The Wacken Carnage"), $30 credit for telstra and 60 Days Card for World of Warcraft. Yes. I do play WoW.. if you really must know.. I have a 48 Night-Elf Balance Druid.
Christmas day consisted of church for an hour in the morning, followed by tripping to the cousins place of residence.. and gaining another $30 for JB, and a beachtowel, which was further followed by a trip to the nans and grans house (known as Nan and G'Pa) and obtaining $1000.

ZOO!? Yes. The Zoo. Nathan and Sarah did go to a Zoo. Taronga Zoo. That one in Sydney, with animals.. And we spent 5 hours walking all around the zoo without actually knowing where we were going. Although, Sarah still needs to kill me for the two trips I made her take with me in the Gondola. We saw Zebra, giraffes, hippos, birds, fish.. Then backing onto the Richmond Local, I vos Invited upon the housing system, whence I cooked dinner in Sarah's house..

And today, is Sarah's (and my fathers..) birthday.. so I am going into penrith today, to spend time with Sarah :)

Until Next Mr. Blogley.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

End of Year Report, Nathan Style

Well, another school year comes to a close. And it is at times like this that we sit down in our caves and think to ourselves about all the memorable, hilarititious moments of the past year. For myself, I think I shall start with a list of all days I have been marked absent. All of them are suffixed with 2009, so I don't need to repeat it over again. They are in the format of dd/mm. Here is thine list.

18/03, 26/03, 06/04, 09/04, 04/05, 05/05, 08/05, 21/05, 05/06, 11/06, 12/06, 22/06, 24/06, None in july.., 20/08, 28/08, 31/08, 01/09, 04/09, 15/09, 17/09, 30/09, 02/10, 27/10 and 02/11, giving a total of 24 unexplained abscence.. Also, it should be noted that I did receive a 100% Attendance Merit Certificate on the 26/02. Although on the end of year report, only 18 days are mentioned.

Some Dates to mention, not in chronological order..

Information Evening for prospective Students and their parents - 8th September.
P&C Working Bee - 8th August (Which was cancelled due to lack of support..)
P&C Pie Drive - 2nd July
Calvin Tan of Yr8/09 was clerical - 10th September
Naidoc ceremony, on which I got an official thanks from De Paoli for operating a computer for 30 seconds - 10th of July
Walkathon - On which I was apparently absent if you see above - 28th of August.

Another useless memory is the SRC Yr10 ballot papper having 10 candidates, with 11 boxes to number..

Now for the marks throughout the year. I shall list the subject, then the half yearly mark, then the yearly mark, then the SC mark, just to compare them.

English - 51% - 48% - 83% (Band 5)
Maths - 59% - 63% - 94% (Band 6)
Science - 88% - 78% - 93% (Band 6)
PE - 46% - 41% - (Completed)
Geography (Only yearly and SC) - 56% - 87% (Band 5)
History (Only yearly and SC) - 52% - 77% (Band 4)
X-History - 52% - 38%
Y-IST - 67% - 69%
Z-Wood Technology - 63% - 68%
Computing (SC mark only) - 92% (Highgly Competent)

I also attained a Distinction Level of Merit, and had Stream Watch listed as an extra curricular activity. It should be noted however that the main reason my school results are so low is I was too lazy to actually do any homework..

Now for a rundown of things I can think of from the year off the top of my head. Killing Tyler (Tayler I think is it's actual name..) many times, especially knocking him out for a few seconds, spray the Tas Quad with tomato, barbeque and mustard sauce, stealing sausages, cake and poppers from every year's barbeque. Covering a group of year 9 girls in milk, from a carton I thought was empty.. almost getting run over by Myers. Climbing the trees at the swimming carnival, wearing my pyjamas to the swimming carnival, covering people in melted chocolate at the swimming carnival, swimming in my pyjamas at the swimming carnival, making an idiot of myself in sydney, missing about 50 detentions with Joyce, almost running a trolley into Bryce in Big W, meeting Wilcox with his parents at the easter show. Taking the most modes of transport to the formal, and wearing something normal as well. Running along high street in first term screaming "ZOOM" as I went. Turning up to school at 6:00 in the morning. Trying to catch the Geo excursion busses during the other half of the grade's visit. Instructing the station bus driver to go on a ridiculously long route to the station one afternoon. Trying to make a compilation of cleaning products in aldi.

Thats all I can think of.. So.. goodnight.

Friday, November 20, 2009

External Entities on the Intern. This is not Hell, Satan lives in an orchestra studio.

Well, as we all are very well aware, last wednesday, the 18th, marked a very important social event, known as the school formal. As a prelude, I will give you some quick pricings.

Suit = $180 (Was black)
Shirt = $50 (Was black)
Tie = $30 (Was black)
Shoes = $56 (Was black)
Haircut the day before = $20
Shampoo and Conditioning = $40 combined
Shoelaces = $4

Getting to the formal: Well, the formal started at 5:30 p.m. apparently, so to get there, parental transport was not available. I caught a bus at 3:33 p.m. which picked up about 30 school children on the way to penrith station. Arriving at penrith station 26 minutes before my train, I jogged, in a suit, accross to McDonalds, for breakfast. I waited in line for 10 minutes behind a very disgruntled asian lady who was trying to argue that the frozen coke machine "must be working" although the manager explained to her that it clearly wasn't. Finally obtaining my happy meal, which made me very happy, as the name implies, I set off to the station. I did arrive with 10 minutes to spare, and the machine rejected my money. Twice. And then the operator made me search for my concession card. So I missed the first train. Catching a train mildly later, at 4:35 p.m. I arrived at Clyde station at about 5:15 p.m. upon which I stood in the middle of Berry Street, awaiting Sarah's fathers car, which has rather loud doors. Upon the getting in the car, we drove several streets to arrive at the Rosehill Gardens.

At the Formal: Well, I must say, it was alot unlike how I liked to like the unlikeable thought of liking my idea of what it would be unlike. Getting out of the car, Sarah and Myself walked up to the main looking area, where people were standing. On this difficult journey, we were intercepted by several people, including glen taking a photo.. and showing off his apparently "neo" style coat. Although it was alot thinner, not as many buttons, and clearly not as programmed.. Getting past the hordes of people outside, we made it into the lobby, where we found the lifting devices, known as lifts. I cannot actually remember if we went up or down, although I'm pretty sure it was up. And out into another section we walked, following the path into a hall.

Even more at the Formal: Sarah and myself looked for many many metaphorical years for our table, until we sighted that magic number 8. Sitting down, we were given pink slips to suggest various people for celebratorial stature. After handing in these forms, we commenced consumption of the entree. Mine consisted of the pastry surrounded mince, three slices of sundried tomato, one slice of creamy brie cheese, and lots of sauce. Following this, I ate my bun, with lots of butter, salt, and strong, strong pepper. Mains came next, with mine being half of a small and obviously genetically modified chicken, on top of golden potato, and cream sauce. This was followed up by dessert. I had a cone like tower of berry flavoured cream, and the half of Sarah's Tiramasu which she did not want to eat. After these meals commenced the dancing, mostly of which was me looking like an idiot and Sarah warning me I was about to be slapped. After an hour of this came the one song which suited a slow dance. And then Patrick's heart-felt and extremely cliche song which he devised himself, consisting of two 8 lined verses, both almost the same but with slight differences, towards another of his fellow asian companions, whose name always escapes me, as do often the names, of asians, with names. Even when most of their names are European, I still can't really be bothered to remember their names, but I remember they're asians.

Exiting the Formal: At 10:00 p.m. sharp, we were kicked out of the building, and myself and Sarah walked out to the parking spaces, and sat, for about 30 minutes, awaiting her mother, he drove myself home. And then I went to sleep.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stepping in Line with Shiva (A mass of discorded) - Perpetual Indefinite Growth of the Subordinant

OH EM GEE! Hath it trully been such a long time since myself and good mister blog sat down to our evening cup of tea? And on remembering I have a blag, I note no entried in October. How sad.. I am trully apologetic for this.

As a quick note, before todays main topic. Yes I did consume your souls upon halloween. It didn't please my appetite very much. But I thought you could do with a munchle.
Secondly should be noted is that today marked the beginning of the 2009 N.S.W. school certificate. Todays was the english exam first, from 9:20 until 11:30, consisting of 45 multiple choice, 6 short answer and two long answer responses. My creative story was about a set of keys that change the flow of time, transport you to different places, change colours and one key that allowed the main character to enter his own mind. Science was also today, after feeding upon a large double quarter pounder I went into the hall to do 50 multiple choice, 10 single word responses and 8 other long question sets. I know I got one question wrong. I said 5.2V, where the answer was 6V. Stupid Nathan. Ah well.

Now. For my main topic today. This extremely annoying spam e-mail people have been sending around for ages. Today, I would like to explain why it is stupid.

I will now copy the entire e-mail into the blog, for later refference.

This is Tara and John, the directors of MSN,

Sorry for the interruption but MSN is closing down. This is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the name (e.g. Making up lots of different accounts for just one person, etc.), we only have 578 names left. If you would like to close your account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON. If you would like to keep your
joke, we will be shutting down the servers.
Send it on, thanks.


This is no joke if you don't believe us then go to this site:
and see for yourself. Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18 contacts, your MSN icon will become blue. Please copy and paste don't forward because people wont read

Now that thats over with. Here are problems with it. In the opening line, it mentions Tara and John as the directors of MSN. MSN simply put is Microsoft Network. Which is directed by many more people than just two. Directors In Microsoft Named John results in four names. Two of which are regional directors, nothing important, and one who is an engineer for microsoft. John Richards however, is a director of "Windows Live Platform." I have found no mention of a Tara so far as a director, other than in south west european countries. I should also note that John Richards was the name of a judge who worked on the Salem Witch Trials.

Now to the more obvious things. For starters. When it says people are taking up all the usernames. Excluding asian characters, there are 1401 characters that may be used in making your e-mail. Thus if someone uses just 5 characters in creating their e-mail address, there will be 5,397,475,459,607,001 possibilities. When creating your e-mail with hotmail, you also have a choice of three domains. So using only five characters in your e-mail address there are 16,192,426,378,821,003 possibilities. I personally have 12 characters in my e-mail address, and surfing through my contacts I see the average person has at least 10 characters.

If the maximum number of characters that could be used in an e-mail were 10, the formula for how many e-mails could be made would be

[if y = 1401] (y^10+y^9+y^8+y^7+y^6+y^5+y^4+y^3+y^2+y^1)X3 which =
87,460,651,314,044,548,207,815,130,431,030 e-mail addresses.
According to US statistic, on the 9th of November 2009 (today) the worlds population is 6.796 billion, 6,796,000,000 people. This equates to 12,869,430,740,736,396,145,941 e-mail accounts per person. And thats if everyone in the world had an internet connection. Where as only about 10% of the world does.

If a person used only the 26 english alphabetic letter, including upper and lower case, making 52 characters, 4,338,288,417,226,779,052 e-mail addresses are possible. If everyone in the world had internet connection, this is 63,835,909 e-mail addresses per person. I personally don't have that many addresses. If people are making many accounts, the most I know anyone to have made is the same person made 6 accounts. For exagerations sake, lets say everyone in the world has ten e-mail addressed. This would still leave, using only the english alphabet, 4,338,288,349,266,779,052 e-mail accounts unused. This means you would still have a 99.9999984% chance that the combination of letters you want to use hasn't been used yet.

My second argument is that msn already monitors if people are using there accounts depending on how long it has been since they signed in (60 days and your account gets deleted).

Thirdly, if they charged all their customers $10US a month to use msn services, they would become the richest company in 2 years.

Fourthly and most importantly, it says you must copy and paste it into a new e-mail, but it also infers through it that it will detect your account is active by some form of marker attatched to the e-mail. This would not be carried across if you simply copied all the text. Thus, my point is proven. IT'S STUPID.